Minor changes to CR9 route
Go South Coast Coaches1st November, 2024
Go South Coast Coaches1st November, 2024
From Monday 04 November, there will be some timetable changes on our CR9 service to help make it more reliable. Please see below for details:
- The 14:05 journey from Blandford will now only go on to serve Dorset County Hospital at the request of any passengers onboard.
- The 15:45 journey from Thomas Hardye school will leave 5 minutes later at 15:50 and is expected to arrive at Winterborne Kingston at 1649. The next journey from Winterborne Kingston will be retimed to leave at 16:53.
- On school days, the 17:35 journey from Thomas Hardye, will be retimed to leave 5 minutes later at 17:40. This will be the same for the 17:35 journey from South Station during school holidays.
- Following traffic concerns in the town centre, buses will use a slightly different route between South Station and Dorset County Hospital in both directions. All existing stops will still be served.
Click here to view an updated CR9 PDF timetable.
We recommend you download the Morebus app where you can plan your journey, buy tickets and track buses in live time. Alternatively, make sure you check our online timetables carefully.